companion planting

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Azalea Leaves Turning Red? (5 Reasons+Solutions)

Azalea Leaves Turning Red? (5 Reasons+Solutions)

People who grow azalea know how much this shrub can contribute to the visual appeal of their gardens, especially in the spring, when its colorful and vibrant flowers come to full display. Azalea is still a sight to behold even after the blooming season, thanks to its rich foliage and shiny green leaves. In ...

Should I Kill Caterpillars in My Garden? (Answered!)

Should I Kill Caterpillars in My Garden? (Answered!)

There's hardly anything more disheartening and frustrating for a gardener than seeing the plants they put much effort in full of holes and their leaves chewed up. When this happens, in many cases, the culprits are caterpillars who typically love to feast on the leaves of burgeoning plants. After seeing their ...

Why is My Lavender Turning Brown? (5 Reasons)

Why is My Lavender Turning Brown? (5 Reasons)

Lavender, known mostly for its culinary uses, also features colorful flowers and aromatic foliage, making it a welcomed addition to any garden. The fact that it's rather easy to maintain increases its popularity even further. In the right conditions, lavender is a very hardy plant and will thrive, adding ...

Cilantro Leaves Turning Yellow? (4 Reasons+Solutions)

Cilantro Leaves Turning Yellow? (4 Reasons+Solutions)

Cilantro, a plant some of you may know as coriander, is one of the most popular and widely used plants in the world. It's hardly surprising, as this herb is a staple in many kitchens and one of the favorite additions to various dishes in cuisines across the globe. Plus, it has many health benefits and can ...

Plumbago Not Blooming? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

Plumbago Not Blooming? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

Plumbago is one of the most popular plants when it comes to gardening and landscaping and it's easy to understand why. When in bloom, plumbago and its wonderful white and blue flowers are a beautiful sight and a fantastic addition to any environment. Even the dullest space can become more lively and vibrant ...

Chokecherry Vs Buckthorn – What’s The Difference?

Chokecherry Vs Buckthorn – What’s The Difference?

In the world of flora, it's not rare that two plants are so similar to each other that it can be really difficult to distinguish them at a casual glance. This is especially the case if they belong to the same order and grow in similar conditions and areas. However, no matter how they may look like each other, ...

Is My Rhododendron Dead? (How to Check and Reasons)

Is My Rhododendron Dead? (How to Check and Reasons)

Rhododendron is one of those plants that can really liven up the yard or any other living space. Throughout spring and summer, it adds color and livens up the entire garden, creating a rich visual appeal even in an otherwise dull environment. In addition to its beautiful looks, another thing that makes ...

Cilantro Leaves Turning Red? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

Cilantro Leaves Turning Red? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

Cilantro is a plant of many uses. It adds life and fragrance to your herbal garden, but it's mainly grown to provide fresh taste to many different dishes and for this health benefits. So, most of us have at least some cilantro in our houses, whether it came from the store or grown in a garden or a pot. ...

Holes in Begonia Leaves? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

Holes in Begonia Leaves? (3 Reasons+Solutions)

If you're looking to add some vibrancy and color to your garden, porch, or patio, one of the best and easiest ways to do it is to start growing begonias. These plants are popular worldwide for their wonderful display of colors, including white, pink, orange, red, and yellow, and the summer-long bloom. Plus, ...

How to Stimulate Root Growth in Orchids? (4 Ways)

How to Stimulate Root Growth in Orchids? (4 Ways)

For many homeowners, orchids are the first plant that comes to mind when looking for a beautiful plant to spice up and liven up your living space. These plants are long-lived, feature fascinating flowers and foliage, and can add flavor to your home environment with their pleasant fragrance. Orchid in full ...

Should I Cut Off Yellow Monstera Leaves? (Solved!)

Should I Cut Off Yellow Monstera Leaves? (Solved!)

As a tropical plant that grows indoors and is fairly easy to care for, Monstera (also called Swiss Cheese plant) is often a favorite of homeowners who look to spice up their living space with a remarkable and beautiful plant. Monstera's most distinctive characteristic is its vibrant green foliage with striking ...

Why are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Yellow and Brown?

Why are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Yellow and Brown?

There's hardly anything more satisfying than growing your own fruits and eating them, knowing that they came as a result of your own labor and care for the plant. One of the most popular fruits to grow in your own household is certainly the banana. Banana trees will not only provide healthy and delicious ...

How to Make Podocarpus Grow Faster and Thicker?

How to Make Podocarpus Grow Faster and Thicker?

One of the best ways to add more privacy to your household and hide your yard from unwanted looks is to grow a hedge and create a wall of greenery around your house. Among the best choices for creating this barrier is podocarpus. This plant that can grow as a tree or a shrub will not only help create a ...

How Long Does Compost Tea Last? (And how to Make it Last Longer)

How Long Does Compost Tea Last? (And how to Make it Last Longer)

Most gardeners are very familiar with all the benefits compost tea can bring to their gardens. This is especially true among those who like to employ the DIY approach when tending to their plants. Made by steeping the compost in water, this high-nutrient and organic-rich liquid decreases the use of water, ...

How Long is Rain Water Good for Plants? (Solved!)

How Long is Rain Water Good for Plants? (Solved!)

Over the last couple of years, collecting rain water has become a highly popular method of watering plants. Rain water harvesting, which refers to both collecting and storing rain water, is an easy, convenient, environment-friendly, and sustainable gardening practice. The great thing about rain water is that ...

How Dry Should Soil Be Before Watering? (Answered)

How Dry Should Soil Be Before Watering? (Answered)

Plants, as we all know, need water to live, as it supports all their systems and bioprocesses. However, this doesn't mean that you should just add water to the soil whenever you feel like it. The level of moisture in the soil will dictate the growth of your plant both in a positive and negative way. The ...

Why is My Purple Waffle Plant Drooping? (3 Reasons)

Why is My Purple Waffle Plant Drooping? (3 Reasons)

Purple waffle plants are a great way to bring some vibrancy and a touch of nature to your home, office, or garden. They're easy to grow, can be kept in any part of your household, and with their charming and colorful appearance are certain to add something extra to your home decor. Plus, as it is a rather ...

Colocasia Vs Alocasia – What’s The Difference?

Colocasia Vs Alocasia – What’s The Difference?

When it comes to spectacular foliage, hardly any home or garden plant can compare to Colocasia and Alocasia. These massive plants feature gigantic elephant ear-shaped leaves and are certain to dominate any environment you put them in, adding a bit of extravagance to your living space. Thanks to their ...

Companion Planting