Why is My Purple Waffle Plant Drooping? (3 Reasons)
Purple waffle plants are a great way to bring some vibrancy and a touch of nature to your home, office, or garden.
They’re easy to grow, can be kept in any part of your household, and with their charming and colorful appearance are certain to add something extra to your home decor.
Plus, as it is a rather small and low-profile plant, purple waffles can act as a perfect complementary piece to other plants or home decor elements.
While purple waffle is rather easy to care for and maintain, you may still run into some issues while growing your plant.
The most common problem you will may notice are droopy and dull leaves.
Although this may scare you and make you think that your plant is dying, the answer to the question “why is my purple waffle plant drooping” is usually much simpler and the cause is often completely benign.
In this article, I will explore some of the most common reasons why your Purple Waffle Plant may be drooping and provide some tips on how to revive it.
Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, read on to learn more about why your Purple Waffle Plant may be drooping and how to get it back to its full, vibrant glory
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Why is My Purple Waffle Plant Drooping?
The most important thing when you notice that your purple waffle plant is drooping is to establish the reason why this is happening.
Proper identification of the cause behind this issue will help you take the right course of action and help your plant come back to life again.
As I already said, in most cases, purple waffle dropping is not the reason for great concern, and with slight adjustments, in the way you care for it the plant will thrive again in no time.
However, if you detect certain side effects, such as leaves not only dropping and wilting but also turning yellow or brown, then you may be dealing with a more serious problem.
Below, I’ll explain how to figure out what’s happening to your purple waffle and what steps to take to help your plant recover.
Improper Watering
The most likely reason for your purple waffle drooping is improper watering.
Limp and wilted purple waffle leaves are a plant’s way of telling you that it’s thirsty and it needs more or less water than it’s currently getting.
Purple waffle, like other plants, absorbs water through their roots.
In case the soil is dry and doesn’t provide enough water, the plants may use the water from their leaves, making the plant go limp and droopy.
Purple waffle is particularly sensitive to the lack of water and their leaves can turn bad and wilt rather quickly.
Leaves can also start drooping due to too much water.
Overwatering is especially dangerous, as waterlogged soil can cause the root to rot which, if not taken care of on time, will result in the death of the plant.
Therefore, always be on the lookout for these signs and be ready to adjust watering.
What to Do?
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Purple waffle is best potted in a pot with good drainage holes, as they allow you to easier control the water levels.
If the plant is droopy due to the dry soil, take the pot to the sink and soak the soil in the water until it’s fully wet and the water starts coming out of pot holes.
Then, gently shake the plant to help all the excess water drain and leave it in the sink for about thirty minutes to dry a bit.
In just a matter of hours, your purple waffle should perk up and regain its vitality.
If you’ve been overwatering your purple waffle, just stop watering the plant until the soil is properly moist.
You can check this by simply sticking your finger about an inch deep into the soil. The soil should feel moist, but not wet or with damp soil sticking to your finger.
Even though you’ll need occasionally fertilize your purple waffle, overdoing it may cause the plant to become weak and droopy, lose its natural color, and stunt its growth.
It may also be the reason why the plant won’t blossom.
An additional side effect of overfertilizing is the white spots you may notice on purple waffle leaves.
What to Do?
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To make sure you don’t overfertilize your purple waffle, use slow-release fertilizers and stick to the recorded fertilizing schedule.
This means that, during the purple waffle growing season (the spring and summer), you should fertilize the plant only once a month.
The use of slow-release indoor plant fertilizer will allow the purple waffle to access and use the extra nutrients when it needs them.
When the plant is in full health, you can also dilute the fertilizer to about half of its strength.
In fall and winter, when the growth of your purple waffle naturally slows down, you’ll need only moderate amounts of fertilizer, or none at all.
Another useful piece of advice is to only use distilled water to avoid white spots on plant leaves.
A purple waffle can also become droopy and weak, and have its leaves wilt and change color due to pest infestation,
The most common pests attacking the purple waffle are insects such as whiteflies, scale, or mealybugs.
The affected plants will have their leaves curl and become yellow, with sticky areas where insects feed.
While these insects rarely cause much damage, if you allow the infestation to develop, it can be fatal for the plant.
What to Do?
There are multiple ways to deal with pest infestation affecting your purple waffle.
Often, when the infestation is not that severe, you can simply wash the insect away with a blast of water.
You can also use insecticidal soap for these purposes.
If any insects remain, you can wipe them off using a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Purple waffles can be grown rather easily. All you have to do is follow the fairly simple instruction on how to care for this plant.
The simplicity of the growing process is all the more reason to be diligent and invest a bit of your time and effort to make sure your purple waffle will thrive.
This also included monitoring the plant for any signs pointing out that it may be unwell.
Problems, such as your purple waffle drooping and weakening, are commonly very easy to solve, and you can effortlessly revive your plant as long as you don’t ignore the issue and let it become a more serious complication.