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Holes in Alocasia Leaves – What To Do?
Thanks to some of the most striking foliage in the plant world, alocasia firmly has its place as one of the most popular additions to indoor plant collections, offering a unique visual appeal. Also known as elephant's ear, alocasia is not only popular due to its beauty but also because it's known to be very easy ...

Sunflower Leaves Curling? Here are 5 Reasons and Solutions
Sunflowers are a beautiful addition to any garden or landscape. The first things on our mind when we think about sunflowers are their distinct flowerheads with bright yellow petals. However, sunflowers also boast beautiful foliage, comprised of heart-shaped or triangular dark green leaves. Besides adding ...

Peony Leaves Turning Yellow? Here are 5 Reasons and Solutions
Easy to maintain and gorgeous looking, the peony is arguably one of the most popular ornamental plants. Whether you grow it in a pot or a garden, peony is certain to liven up and add some beauty to any environment. Plus, this plant is a rather hardy and long-lived perennial, so most likely you won't have many ...

Does Cream of Wheat Kill Ants? The Surprising Answer
Probably the most efficient way to deal with an ant infestation is by using chemical pesticides. However, many homeowners look to avoid this option, as these are often toxic and can be harmful to kids, pets, or other animals. Luckily, there are plenty of more natural ways to handle this problem, and many of ...

Do Haworthia Die After Flowering? (Answered!)
When it comes to indoor plants and their visual appeal, one of the most beautiful sights you can lay your eyes on is the haworthia in full bloom. When in bloom, this relatively small plant grows incredibly long flower stalks (more than 10 times its size) and shows off beautiful white flowers. However, not all ...

Do Deer Eat Irises? Here’s What You Need to Know!
Gracious and elegant, deer are certainly one of the most majestic animals in the world, However, many gardeners see them more as a menace than as the lovely creatures they are. Deer will eat almost anything, including nuts and fruits, but particularly enjoy feasting on the leaves of the plants gardeners ...

Nutricote vs Osmocote – What’s the Difference?
Even though fertilizer isn't always an absolutely necessary part of caring for your plants, its proper use can go a long way in providing faster growth. Delivering some extra boost for your greenery is not the only benefit of fertilizer use, as it can also promote healthier growth, help plants fend off pests, ...

Carolina Sapphire Cypress Turning Brown? (4 Reasons+Solutions)
Native to the American Southwest and Mexico, Carolina Sapphire Cypress is one of the most popular evergreen conifers in this area and in many other parts of the country. These fast-growing, pyramidal trees serve as screening plants, but also, thanks to their blueish-green and delicate foliage, they can work as ...

How to Salt the Earth So Nothing Grows (5 Step Guide)
Having some greenery in your living space is great as it adds visual appeal to your yard and livens it up. So, people put plenty of effort into growing and caring for various plants in their living environment. However, there are also some undesirable plants that can grow by themselves and in places you don't ...

Is It Bad To Water Plants At Night? (Answered)
A lot of homeowners, especially those with less experience in growing plants, consider watering to be the simplest task when it comes to taking care of the plant. However, there's much more to watering than just pouring water from the container and moistening the soil around the plant. Among other things, you ...

How to Grow Cilantro in Water (6 Steps)
One of the most widely used and grown plants in the world, cilantro, also known as coriander, is exceptionally popular both for its health and nutritional benefits. For centuries, it's been a part of traditional medicine, as well as a staple in cuisines around the globe. So, chances are you probably have some ...

My Dianthus Looks Dead (7 Reasons+Solutions)
As one of the most popular garden flowers, dianthus liven up every environment they grow in and are appreciated among gardeners for their rich blue-green foliage, beautiful pinkish flowers, and spicy clove-like fragrance. However, having them thrive and look so gorgeous is not possible without some effort, as ...

Do Deer Eat Delphinium? (Answered in Detail!)
Depending on the area of the country they live in, many homeowners find deer to be the main threat to their gardens. When they're starving, these gorgeous animals will eat almost anything and they often see the garden plants as a particularly delicious treat. However, there are plants deer are more likely to ...

Marigold Leaves Turning Purple? (3 Reasons+Solutions)
Marigolds are a popular and versatile annual flower that adds a burst of color to any garden or landscape. No matter what species of marigold you're growing, you can always count on these beautiful plants to add some vibrancy and brighten up your living space with their colorful flowers and rich foliage. ...

Podocarpus Leaves Turning Brown (5 Reasons & Solutions)
One of the most frequently used plants in landscaping, the Podocarpus is always a welcomed addition to any garden or urban area and can serve pretty well as a hedge or a screen. A healthy Podocarpus is a wonderful and unique plant, with long needle-like leaves, densely arranged around symmetrical branches. It ...

Podocarpus Turning Yellow? (6 Reasons+Solutions)
Podocarpus can often be seen around private gardens as well as decorating streets, parks, or suburban areas. It's a coniferous tree that is frequently used in landscaping due to its evergreen leaves and beautiful branches. Even though it doesn't have needles like some other coniferous plants, its leaves are ...

How to Save a Dying Ficus Tree (5 Reasons & Solutions)
There's hardly any indoor ornamental plant in the world that's more popular than Ficus. Many houses you walk into will have this plant adding greenery to the interior decor. Ficuses are also occasionally grown in gardens where they can grow even higher and liven up the outdoor space with their large green ...

How to Get Rid of Fungus on Azaleas
Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub, grown across the globe for its visual appeal and ability to freshen up and add vibrancy to any space you grow it in. Plus, it's very easy to maintain and doesn't require much to grow and thrive. On top of all this, the azalea is a very hardy plant and rarely suffers from ...